Join us in our full day seminar to get insights from our tax leaders on the Budget 2023 proposals and participate in an informative panel discussion and Q&A on the latest tax developments.

The Budget 2023, themed “Strengthening Recovery, Facilitating Reforms Towards Sustainable Socio-Economic Resilience of Keluarga Malaysia” will be tabled in Parliament on 7th October 2022.

As the nation is recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Budget is set to focus on riding the economic recovery momentum and continuing reforms to enhance socio-economic resilience. With three specific areas: formulating people-centric initiatives; creating a conducive business environment and; creating a more inclusive and sustainable development model to support economic growth, the Budget is deemed to reinforce Malaysia’s recovery.

Now, all eyes are set on Budget 2023 as the nation is eager to hear what it has to offer. Will the Budget meet the needs of the Rakyat and business community? Can the Budget strengthen Malaysia’s resilience against global volatilities and inflation?



  • KUALA LUMPUR - 26 Oct 2022, Wed | CCEC @ The Vertical (VE Hotel) Bangsar South

  • JOHOR BAHRU - 27 Oct 2022, Thurs | DoubleTree Hilton

  • PENANG - 28 Oct 2022, Fri | Eastern @ Oriental Hotel



8.30am Registration
8.45am Opening Remarks
8.50am Budget Proposals: Individual Tax
10.00am Budget Proposals: Corporate Income Tax & Others
11.00am Morning Refreshments
11.30am Budget Proposals: Indirect Tax
12.30pm Lunch
2.00pm Taxation on Foreign Source Income
3.00pm Tax Corporate Governance
3.45pm Tax Treatment of Digital Currency Transactions
4.30pm Q&A
5.00pm End of seminar & refreshments



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Kuala Lumpur

  • RM 500 per participant (Grant Thornton clients & alumni)
  • RM 550 per participant (Non-clients)

 Johor Bahru, Penang

  • RM 380 per participant (Grant Thornton clients & alumni)
  • RM 480 per participant (Non-clients)

- Seminar fee per participant is inclusive of 6% Service Tax, seminar materials, refreshments and lunch.

- 10% discount for 3 or more participants

Ms Inani Husna
  • CCEC @ The Vertical (VE Hotel)
  • Bangsar South
  • DoubleTree Hilton
  • Eastern & Oriental Hotel
Tel: 607-332 8335 ext 115 Contact:
Seminar flyer Seminar flyer