Women in Business 2022
Women in Business 2022 Women in Business 2022
For 18 years, Grant Thornton has tracked the global progress of women in senior management. By surveying senior leaders from 5,000 businesses across 29 economies, the Women in Business 2022 report outlines the evolution of worldwide leadership models and the successful implementation of diversity and inclusion policies to retain and attract female talent within organizations. Using our findings as a guide, corporate leaders can discover what strategies have proven effective to attracting this vital talent demographic and what more can be done to allow female talent to flourish for the overall growth of the company.
Women in Business 2021: A window of opportunity
DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION Women in Business 2021: A window of opportunity
For 17 years, Grant Thornton has been tracking the global progress of women in senior management. In the last 12 months, unprecedented events have had an unforeseen and unparalleled impact on that progress.
Women in Business 2020
International Business Report (IBR) Women in Business 2020
Over the last 12 months, our women in business research has drilled down into the gender diversity stats of mid-market organisations around the world, looking at how the numbers are changing, and most importantly, what businesses are doing to make them change.
Women in business 2019
International Business Report (IBR) Women in business 2019
Our 2019 Women in business report: building a blueprint for action shows that progress is being made towards gender parity at the senior management level. The last 12 months have seen increases in both the proportion of senior roles held by women and the proportion of businesses with at least one woman in senior management.
Women in business 2018
International Business Report (IBR) Women in business 2018
Businesses globally have taken one step forward but one step back on women in leadership. Significantly more businesses (75% in 2018 v 66% in 2017) now have at least one woman on the senior management team, but the proportion of the team that is female has slipped from 25% to 24%, according to Grant Thornton International Ltd.’s annual Women in Business report.
Women in Business 2025
Women in Business 2025 Women in Business 2025
Progress towards gender parity in mid-market firms is moving in the right direction – but not quickly enough. For 21 years, we’ve tracked the ratio of women occupying senior management roles in mid-market firms around the world. In the last five years, we’ve seen sustained growth on this key measure, but the rate of change is still too slow.
What a trade war means for Asia Pacific businesses
International Business Report What a trade war means for Asia Pacific businesses
What a trade war means for Asia Pacific businesses
The road to prosperity? Infrastructure improvements driving ASEAN business outlook
International Business Report (IBR) The road to prosperity? Infrastructure improvements driving ASEAN business outlook
South East Asia is a bright spot in the global economy. The outlook for the region is sustained, healthy growth of more than 5% per year between now and 2022.(i) Against this backdrop, business sentiment has hit a new high. We explore what is driving this positivity and find that infrastructure emerges as a source of real opportunity for ASEAN firms in the coming years. At the same time, however, concerns over climate change loom large. Greater cooperation will be key to overcoming these environmental risks.
APAC businesses rally behind automation
International Business Report (IBR) APAC businesses rally behind automation
Given the slowing rate of economic growth, businesses across Asia Pacific (APAC) region have an appetite for automation. In this article we explore where that support is strongest, and why. We find that amid the rich opportunities, risks are present in the automation revolution. Businesses and policymakers should confront these challenges now, to avoid hampering future growth prospects.
Future of APAC 2018: Identifying growth in disruption
International Business Report (IBR) Future of APAC 2018: Identifying growth in disruption
Asia Pacific (APAC) is a region in flux. In 2018, businesses must contend with numerous challenges, not limited to environmental risks and an ageing population. But with disruption comes great opportunity.
Grant Thornton News
Articles and publications Grant Thornton News
Heartiest congratulations to our leaders on their leadership roles in their respective prestigious institutes. We wish our leaders every success and may they bring their institutes to greater success.
Women in business: New perspectives on risk and reward
International Business Report (IBR) Women in business: New perspectives on risk and reward
The gender diversity issue has been on the business agenda for many years now, yet a third of businesses still have no women at a senior management level. Somewhere there is a disconnect.
Women in business: turning promise into practice
International Business Report (IBR) Women in business: turning promise into practice
The gender diversity issue has been on the business agenda for many years now, yet a third of businesses still have no women at a senior management level. Somewhere there is a disconnect.
BEPS: Businesses call for clarity
Tax BEPS: Businesses call for clarity
Three quarters of business leaders would pay more taxes in exchange for greater clarity from authorities on what is acceptable. And while few expect a global agreement any time soon, the majority would like to see their governments take unilateral action to help achieve this aim.
Call to delay revenue recognition start date
IBR Call to delay revenue recognition start date
As the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) meets today (22 July 2015) to discuss the 2017 implementation date for new global revenue recognition rules, Grant Thornton is asking the accounting board to delay implementation, as a global business survey finds that many businesses are not expecting to be ready by 2017.
The future of Europe 2015
International Business Report (IBR) The future of Europe 2015
The European recovery is gaining momentum according to Grant Thornton's International Business Report (IBR). However, drawing on interviews with more than 1,100 regional executives, the report uncovers a number of threats, from Greek debt negotiations to high unemployment, which continue to undermine European stability and long-term business growth prospects.
Eurozone economic recovery strengthens
International Business Report (IBR) Eurozone economic recovery strengthens
Almost three months on from the launch of the European Central Bank's quantitative easing programme, new research from the Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) reveals a jump in business optimism in the eurozone in the first quarter of 2015, with confidence moving back up towards pre-crisis levels.
Datin Seah Siew Yun
Global M&A snapshot 2015
International Business Report (IBR) Global M&A snapshot 2015
Companies are increasingly focused on high-quality strategic transactions, with less time spent on investigating peripheral opportunities, according to our International Business Report (IBR), a survey of 5,400+ business leaders in 35 economies.
Women in business: the path to leadership
International Business Report (IBR) Women in business: the path to leadership
Our 2015 women in business report looks at how to facilitate the career paths of women into senior management and offers 12 recommendations to society, government, businesses and women themselves about how to better support female advancement.
The global economy in 2015
International Business Report (IBR) The global economy in 2015
Drawing on 10,000 interviews with company leaders and international forecast data, this report considers the outlook for the global economy and what this means for business growth prospects in 2015.
Global uncertainty weighs on resurgent business confidence
International business report (IBR) Global uncertainty weighs on resurgent business confidence
New research from the Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) reveals that while business confidence in 2014 climbed to levels not seen since before the financial crisis, a recent spate of uncertainty is weighing on growth prospects for the year ahead.
Talent squeeze threatens global growth
International Business Report (IBR) Talent squeeze threatens global growth
Businesses in the world’s three biggest economies, the United States, China and Japan, are increasingly feeling the heat when it comes to recruiting skilled staff. Given that these countries together represent over a third of global output, a deficit of skilled staff could have a significant knock-on effect on economic growth not just in these economies but beyond.
Sustainability: changing the debate in emerging markets
International business report (IBR) Sustainability: changing the debate in emerging markets
With momentum building towards the UN Climate Change Conference in Peru, new figures from IBR reveal that businesses leaders in emerging markets are more focused on the sustainability of their operations compared with peers in developed markets.
Future of Europe 2014
International Business Report (IBR) Future of Europe 2014
The third edition in our 'Future of Europe' series looks at three distinct aspects of the regional business, economic and political landscape: recovery, integration and expansion.
Malaysian Budget 2014
Tax Malaysian Budget 2014
This Budget analysis provides details on various tax measures that were announced in the 2014 Budget speech.
The rise of the cross-border transaction 2013
Mergers and acquisitions The rise of the cross-border transaction 2013
The appetite for cross-border deals has rocketed by 18% during the past 12 months. This is the key finding from our latest research that looks at attitudes to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) among business leaders worldwide.
Uncertainty weighing on growth
Global economy in 2013 Uncertainty weighing on growth
Presidential elections in some of the world’s largest economies, the sovereign debt crisis and the US fiscal cliff have all contributed to a global sense of economic uncertainty. How are major and developing markets faring in the face of these developments and what does the year ahead have in store?
Still not enough
Women in business 2012 Still not enough
The past 12 months have seen women take the lead in some of the toughest economic and political environments, and they also head governments in countries such as Argentina, Australia, Brazil and Thailand.