Insights into MFRS 136

Value in use: applying the appropriate discount rate

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This article is the final in a three-part series on Step 4 of the impairment review on estimating the recoverable amount and discusses how to estimate an appropriate discount rate in value in use (VIU) calculations.

MFRS 136 ‘Impairment of Assets’ provides the core principles when assessing if an asset should be impaired. However, due to the complex nature of the guidance, the requirements of MFRS 136 can be challenging to apply in practice.

The articles in our ‘Insights into MFRS 136’ series have been written to assist preparers of financial statements and those charged with the governance of reporting entities understand the requirements set out in MFRS 136, and revisit some areas where confusion has been seen in practice.


How we can help

We hope you find the information in this article helpful in giving you some insight into MFRS 136. If you would like to discuss any of the points raised, please do not hesitate to contact us.